How to Schedule Coverage for Beloved Possessions

At Freeland Insurance, we want our Oklahoma City, OK clients to benefit fully from their home insurance policies. A home policy does more than protect you from financial loss if your home’s structure gets damaged. It also provides liability coverage and protects your personal property. Typical home policies include $1,000 to $2,000 of personal property coverage, but you can increase this by scheduling expensive items.

Understanding Personal Property Coverage

A home policy includes some personal property coverage, but the $1,000 to $2,000 limit may not cover as much as you think. Consider the cost of replacing all your clothing, shoes, computer, cell phone, and television. These items alone could often exhaust the personal property coverage limit. Scheduling coverage allows you to list the items that matter most and would cost the most to replace.

How Scheduling Works

Your home insurance can cover expensive personal property by listing each piece as scheduled coverage. Commonly scheduled items include smartphones, engagement rings, and hobby equipment like guitars or cameras. Scheduling an item insures it at its full value, so if you file a claim, you’ll receive the full purchase price.

Scheduling an item in an insurance policy is similar to scheduling an appointment in your planner. In the policy documents, the item and its value appear as a line item, just like an appointment would in a datebook. While scheduling an item slightly increases the policy’s premium, it covers the item against damage or loss, including theft.

Contact Freeland Insurance Today

Don’t leave your valuable personal possessions unprotected in your Oklahoma City, OK, home. Call us today to update your home policy and schedule coverage for your expensive belongings.